Friday, March 24, 2023

Long time!

wow.  Long time no see, or write, or text, or anything- what a long time that has passed that well, it happens.  Life happens.  Death happens.. We grow, we wilt, we flourish, we change.

To catch you up on dad- he's doing great, not 100% back in his memory recall or right side strength since the stroke, but he's alive & well, working on small projects, chatting up with customers, sitting in the fresh air (when weather is decent) toodling around the property in the truck or golf cart -  I get to hang out with him all day, so I can't complain with the time I get to have .

Mom.  3 years after dad's stroke, she passed.  This took it's toll on me, severely.  I never knew how people could fall to suicide, but I got an understanding of it with this gut punch.  I'm still healing, I'm still grieving, I'm still here.  & really I can't talk much about this without melting into a puddle of emotion-ness, even after 8 years.

I don't know where this will lead, if it'll be a once in a while update writing, or if it'll blossom into more, if it's just for me, or whomever randomly sees this.

for now- hang in there ok.  

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