Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Nick & Bethany Projects

I apologize for taking so long to post about a couple of amazing people -Nick & Bethany!  They do amazing work with old furniture- to up-cycle the furniture to be re-born with a new face lift. 
We have worked together on a couple phenomenal projects, and I can't tell you how proud I am to be a small part in their creations.  I urge you to visit their site - their creativity on furniture transformations is spectacular!!!  I could go on and on, but please visit their site and see for yourselves.

I copied some of their project pictures of those that I've has a small part in - I'm their vinyl dealer and create the stencils that they want out of vinyl decal material.

Profile Plaques
 Here's their first project- they did all the work, I just made the vinyl stencil.

And once they are done with all the magic and hard work - These are the beautiful profile plaques.

Viney-Coffee Table

Here's their next project I helped as their vinyl dealer. An old wicker top coffee table... very dated.. but good solid wood for the framing.  Made a very large vinyl to cover the majority of the table top, then primed and painted the whole thing black, removing the vinyl to reveal the natural wood inlay... and voila!!  Fabulous - I think this is my favorite piece!!

Wine Table

Here's the Wine Table -  They took an old sewing machine cabinet from this...... stained,varnished, applied the vinyl I made for them, and wowzah!!!  This is where their creativity took them!!!

 and here is the before/after pictures -  they added the flair of lighting for the wine holders -the light goes off when there's no bottle in the holder..
did I mention Nick & Bethany are amazing?? 
This Wine Table turned out spectacular and I hope they do another one!

Orange End Table
                                                         Here's a table that a gal brought to Nick & Bethany to re-create

A close up of the vinyl stencil I made for them to use on the table.  The table was first painted white, apply the stencil and then top coat the table with the final color of orange to create a truly one of a kind piece to add to her current decor. 

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