Monday, April 9, 2012

memory loss

HI!!  just wanted to pop in- it's amazing in this day & age of computers and the many electronic devices we have...but even with that... the different passwords that we have for each of these devices and for each type of log in... whether its work emails and work programs to home emails and home programs... well, this is why I haven't posted in so long- I forgot my password... well, really I forgot my log-in name which I finally realized which account I used....but I did in fact have the correct password...ok ok- I confess,... I got in after typing in my 3rd possibility of passwords... I think I will have to change all of my passwords to be the same thing- it's getting confusing and well... leads to a lapse in time.

I think for now, I'll write it down so I don't forget again.. unless I forget where I put that...

have a great night

~I'm dana-this is my blog~

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