Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday Funday!

Where does the weekends go???  I'm all for a break from the normal work week, but could it be possible to have a 5 day weekend and 2 day work week??  Just to get things done that need to be done, time spent with friends or family to do what we'd like, to nap..ahhhh naps... I remember those... or for those who have side jobs/careers to do basically what we want with more time.  I would love more computer time for designing and drawing up artwork and letting the creative juices flow from my mind down my arm into my fingers to click away on the mouse.  I can draw with pencil, but not that great...I've found that my drawing skills are much better when controlling a mouse... oh yeah..the mouse... one of those things you need when working with a computer and using it to draw... Imagine my slight frustration when the mouse doesn't work and yes I've been still using it with these issues, but today, I've reached my max and unplugged it!  This normally wouldn't be a problem since we have several computers here and I can borrow a mouse from any one of them, but I chose to use the mouse to my laptop- hmmm it's not there...wonder why????  ohhhh yes.  I have a brother that likes to use things and not return them to their correct place- so as frustrated as I was that the mouse was missing...I became a little more irritated when the search for a mouse that I can use became moreso of a treasure hunt.  The first mouse I found would work,however, it was lacking a scroll wheel...which I didn't realize how dependent upon that scroll wheel I had become.  So I borrowed a mouse from one of the other computers that I'm sure as the sun will rise, that I hear about if my borrowing a mouse was devasting...that would have been aleviated if my other mouse had been returned... sooooo anyway... back to the sunday funday- drawing art.. finding art that matches similar to what's in my head is quite the task since this art is not for me, it's for Bethany & Nick, and I only hope that the image I draw that is close to the image in my mind, matches what they are thinking.  If it does, great!!! if it does not, that's fine, it's part of the process for creativity and bouncing ideas off each other.. sound easy- some days- absolutely!! some days, it's quite the task- which this of course brings me back to the beginning... is it possible to have a 5 day weekend for other projects ?? 
I'm Dana- this is my blog. Happy Sunday!

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